Giovanni Borrelli

Violinist, composer and musicologist.

He studied violin in Naples with Carlo Giuntoli and then in Rome with Georg Mönch . Gradually graduated (1991) he attended several courses at the Fiesole School of Music, at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena with Uto Ughi at the Academy “O. Respighi “in Rome and the High Technical and Interpretative Course with Masters Pavel Vernikov , Ilya Grubert and Zinaida Giles . He later dealt with Baroque executive and interpretative practice following ancient music courses in Urbino and the lessons of Enrico Gatti at the Centro di Musica antica Pietà di Turchini in Naples. He studied composition, choral music and choir direction with Bruno Mazzotta . He has written several songs for chamber music formations that are performed in concerts and used for theater plays.
Graduated in DAMS , Arts, Music and Performing Arts, at the Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy at the University of Bologna. Thesis in Music History, speakers: Prof. Giuseppina La Bianca Bianca, and prof. Renato Di Benedetto. He has been conducting research for the composers of the Neapolitan musical school of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
He has held numerous concerts both in duo and in chamber formations with important music associations such as: Fryderyk Chopin, Accademia de Musique et des Arts de Bruxelles, Manuel de Falla Academy, Rotary International, Institut Français de Université de Grenoble, A.Gi.mus, Association Scarlatti, Lions Club, Campania Felix, performing both in Italy and abroad. Soloist has participated in numerous concerts and festivals, including: Sydney Musical Festival (1995); International Festival “Les Allumées” in Nantes (1993); Braine Alleud and Braine le Château (Belgium); Conservatory of Music of Kotka and Helsinki (Finland), Théâtre Charles Dublin, Chambéry (France); Théâtre Les Ateliers, Lyon (France); Théâtre la Bastille, Paris (France), Théâtre Tivoli of Utrecht (The Netherlands), Théâtre Les Cargo, Grenoble, (France). Théâtre dû Nice (France); Ateneo Theater of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Villa Rufolo di Ravello (Sa), where he performed unpublished music in prime executions.
He has held tours in the United States and Mexico where he has performed, among others, at Fordham University of New York – Department of Modern Languages ​​and Literatures; Auditorium University at Stony Brook – New York; At the Teatro Principal in Puebla (Mexico).
He has collaborated with internationally renowned Orchestra Directors and has performed concerts with major soloists.
He collaborated both as a violin teacher and as a concert performer, with the University of Naples “Federico II” and with the “Orientale” University in Naples between 1993 and 1996; And as a lecturer in music history seminars and musical laboratories with the Faculty of Engineering of the Second University of Naples. He has been artistic director of cultural and concerts with the Second University of Naples from 1997 to 2010, and has been a lecturer and moderator of university musicology conferences. He has curated and directed the Choir and Orchestra of the Second University of Naples.
In 1993 he founded the Orfeo Ensemble Chamber Orchestra, with the role of conductor and violin soloist, having performed many concerts with a warm consensus of critics and audiences such as: “… ‘Orfeo Ensemble sets up as an effective messenger , Philologically adherent, of the instrumental concert of ‘700 … “ ; (Luigi Costa – musicologist).
In 2008 he formed the baroque Accademia Reale ensemble, which he is solo director and violinist, bringing together concertists and practitioners already engaged in the Orfeo ensemble and the Baroque Accademia complex together with the desire to create a historical-musicological research group Engaged in the recovery and execution of the unpublished works of eighteenth-century Neapolitan Sculptors.
Violinist teacher at the Salerno Conservatory of Music for Violin Exams. He has taught Violin and chamber music at Isernia Puccini Musical High School and at the Nicola Zingarelli Music Academy in Naples. He has held seminars on Music History and Listening to Music at the Second University of Naples. He is currently a violin teacher at the SMS “CE Gadda” music in Naples and at the Maria Callas Academy and the Domenico Cimarosa Academy in Naples.
He has published articles, critical and historical notes for prestigious concerts and festivals. He is currently working on the critical edition of Opera Omnia by Nicola Fiorenza for Ut Orpheus Edizioni in the series Naples and Europe presented by Riccardo Muti . He collaborates with specialized magazines of art, music and culture.
He recorded for German TV TDF, for Radio France, for Canal +, TF1 and France 2 for French Television, for Australian TV SBS and for RAI Radio Televisione Italiana.

He recorded for the French “Last Call” Discography and the Portuguese Discography “Equilibrium Music” .